Obion County Board of Education
April 8, 2013

Agenda Item: VIII.A.

Discussion of Director's Contract

Background Information:

TCA §49-2-203(a)(14)(C) provides, “No school board shall extend the contract of a director of schools without giving notice of intent to do so at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the scheduled meeting at which action will be taken…, and including the proposed action as a specific, clearly stated item on the agenda for the meeting. Such item, for the convenience of the public attending the meeting, shall be the first item on the agenda…”

As part of the Director’s employment contract, upon receiving a satisfactory evaluation based on the agreed-upon criterion, the Board shall affirmatively act to grant, and the Director shall receive, an increase in salary and/or a contract extension, as set forth in the employment contract, upon the same terms and conditions, beginning July 1 of the succeeding fiscal year. On February 15, 2013, the Board evaluated the Director’s performance, which was, numerically stated, 79.92%, which is, on average, 19.92% above satisfactory. Notice was given in compliance with the above mentioned state statute and is included as the first item under new business.

Staff Recommendation:

As per the Director's employment contract, this agenda item is presented for the Board's discussion and consideration.